National School Sports Games: More than 20,000 students will participate virtually

The National School Sports Games (JDEN) will begin on July 30 and, due to the health emergency caused by COVID-19, this time they will be held virtually with an estimated participation of 20,000 students from public and private schools, reported the Minister of Education, Ricardo Cuenca .

At a press conference, Cuenca He said that, in this sporting event, schoolchildren will compete in five disciplines: chess, karate, taekwondo, judo and gymnastics. Chess competitions will begin on July 30; karate, on August 2; taekwondo, on September 7; judo, on the 25th of the same month, and gymnastics, on October 29.

The Minister of Education pointed out that JDEN Their purpose is to contribute to the integral development of the student and to help the massification of sports practice and the identification of school talent. In this regard, he recalled that judoka Naomi Huyhuameza, winner of the bronze medal at the Buenos Aires 2018 Youth Olympic Games, represented her school in the National School Sports Games.

Likewise, it indicated that the JDEN integrate the participants and other members of the educational community and involve the population, local and regional governments, public and private institutions in an active and growing way in activities that reinforce school learning through sports practiced in the school.

How will the JDENs develop?

The competitions will be developed in two stages, a qualifying and a national, for both ladies and men.

In chess, Regular Basic Education students from 10 to 17 years old may participate in three categories, and Alternative Basic Education students aged 15 or more in another category. In this discipline, the platform will be used, which has an intelligent control system that detects if any of the participants receive external help or use software.

On karateIn the kata mode, participation is open to schoolchildren from 10 to 17 years old in four categories. On taekwondo, poomsae modality, there are five categories for students from 6 to 17 years old, while in judo, kata modality, there are two categories for students from 13 to 17 years old.

On gymnastics, participants from 7 to 12 years old will be able to compete in floor exercises or hands-free exercises in two categories.

JDEN’s purpose is to contribute to the integral development of the student. Photo: MINEDU

Participation will be made through the registration platform for the Sports and Para-sports School Games. Each public or private educational institution may register its students through the delegate on the Minedu website.

Also participating in the press conference were Úrsula Luna Victoria, director (e) of Physical Education and Sports at Minedu, and students Ximena Linares, Daniel Torrejón and Mary Ojeda.

Ximena Linares is 11 years old, she is a gymnast, she studies at the San Judas Tadeo Corazonistas School of San Miguel, in Lima, and in 2019 she won two gold and three silver medals in the championship held in Tacna.

Daniel Torrejón is 12 years old, practices taekwondo, and studies at the Teniente Coronel Alfredo Bonifaz del Rímac School. In November 2019, he ranked first in the Campeón de Campeones national championship, which allowed him to qualify for the national preselection in 2020.

Mary Ojeda is 14 years old and studies at the High Performance College of Apurímac. He has been practicing chess from the age of 7 and from the age of 10 he has participated in regional and national tournaments. Last year he ranked second in category D at the virtual National School Sports Games.

JDEN’s purpose is to contribute to the integral development of the student. Photo: MINEDU

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