Marko about problems at RB16B Verstappen: ‘Don’t know where it comes from’

Helmut Marko reports that the Red Bull Racing men have no idea where the problems with Max Verstappen’s car come from. In the second free practice, the Dutchman complained several times about the balance of his RB16B, as a result of which he did not get further than P3 in the time list.

“We suddenly had understeer in the second practice,” says a surprised Marko at the German RTL. After a number of adjustments during the session, no improvement was found. “We didn’t really know where the problems came from,” continues the man from Graz.

“And we still don’t know where it came from. We need to check everything now to see where this problem originates.’ The team doesn’t have much time for this anymore, there is only one hour of training planned before the drivers roll into qualifying.

Adjustments in Hungary were of no use

Various adjustments of the RB16B were tried over the Friday, but without success. In the first practice, Verstappen was still the fastest, this advantage disappeared in the afternoon. “The car did not respond well to the adjustments we made,” Marko concludes with the German news medium.

Dissatisfaction with Tsunoda

After AlphaTauri driver Yuki Tsunoda crashed again, Marko couldn’t resist taking advantage of the young Japanese driver’s performance. The advisor to the drivers at Red Bull and AlphaTauri was certainly not happy with it. ‘He’s too wild, that boy’, he says at ServusTV. “But you can also hire other drivers who crash just as much or even more together.”


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