Denmark’s trick with the chain

AThe stability of the Danish defense is also related to Christian Eriksen. This is not meant in a figurative sense. But very specifically. Eriksen’s cardiac arrest in the game against Finland not only triggered a chain of events emotionally. But also purely factually in the field. Coach Kasper Hjulmand had to replace and change. And he should find a replacement for Simon Kjær in the 63rd minute. The Danish captain was no longer able to continue playing. Jannik Vestergård came on for him. Hjulmand’s actual plan for this European Championship was a back four, consisting of Daniel Wass on the right, Joakim Mæhle on the left and the two central defenders Kjær and Andreas Christensen.

When the second group game against the strong Belgians began, Hjulmand had reacted and strengthened the defensive by playing with three central defenders: Vestergård, Kjær, Christensen. With Belgian possession of the ball, the outer midfielders should let themselves fall and so turn a chain of three into a five-man chain. That worked out quite well, even though the game was lost – but more importantly: the Danish defensive formation was finally found for the decisive group game against Russia.

The defensive specialists, who have strong headers and are now well coordinated, should give Denmark the necessary stability this Wednesday (9 p.m. in the FAZ live ticker for the European Football Championship, on ZDF and on MagentaTV) in the European Championship semi-final against England at Wembley Stadium. “We are not satisfied, we want to go further,” says Kjær. The 32-year-old Jutlander fulfills his role as a leader impressively. The defending colleagues are guided by him and his positional play. “I love to stand back there and head the balls off,” says Kjær – which he managed often enough in the 2-1 win against the Czech Republic in the quarter-finals on Sunday.

All three played in the Bundesliga

Kjær, Christensen, Vestergård: Denmark conceded only four goals in the four games with this formation, and Christensen’s game intelligence is another key to success, because Hjulmand pushes him further into midfield if necessary to keep the opponent at bay – Christensen also achieved something special at this European Championship: he scored his first international goal against Russia. From a German point of view, the defenders are no strangers. All three played in the Bundesliga. Kjær’s Wolfsburg years (2010/11 and 2012/13) coincided with a time when VfL wanted to become a permanent top team after the surprising championship title in 2009 – and failed. Difficult for Kjær, who played a lot but was also often criticized and moved on to various stations in Europe in 2013 before ending up at AC Milan.



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