What if the Euro final was relocated to Budapest?

Masks are falling more and more in this period when the pandemic is diminishing at high speed almost everywhere in Europe. Unfortunately for UEFA, the health situation in the United Kingdom remains complicated. However, the final of Euro 2021 is to be played on July 11 at Wembley Stadium.

UEFA threatens the United Kingdom to relocate this final of the Euro. In question, not the multiplication of the English variant, but the health restrictions and in particular the quarantine rules still in force in Great Britain: 10 days for people arriving from the orange and red zones. The European body demands from the British government that its 2,500 officials are exempt from it. British ministers are currently considering a solution to avoid isolation rules for UEFA and FIFA officials, politicians, sponsors and broadcasters, according to The Times newspaper. According to The Daily Mail newspaper, Budapest, the Hungarian capital, where the gauge is at 100%, would be plan B in the event of relocation of the final.

Remember that Wembley must accommodate 40,000 spectators for the semi-finals and the final. The country in Europe most bereaved by the pandemic, the United Kingdom, struck by the Delta variant, has experienced a sharp decline in recent times, despite a large-scale vaccination campaign.

What presents itself as an attempt by UEFA to force the hand of the British health authorities to obtain a privilege for its officials and its sponsors, should succeed. Unless there is a rapid increase over the next few days in cases of contamination.


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