Transfer market, Labate has no doubts: “Conte will return to Inter”

Conte © Getty Images

Antonio Conte left Inter after winning the Scudetto, but there are those who are sure that the coach will return to the Nerazzurri

The turnaround has faded weeks ago, but has not yet been fully metabolized. After the victory of the Scudetto Antonio Conte left theInter who decided to entrust the bench to Simone Inzaghi. A change that comes at the end of a season that saw the Nerazzurri dominate in Italy, but also at the end of a year characterized by corporate uncertainty.

An uncertainty that will inevitably also have repercussions on the market: Inter will have to sell at least one of the big players to make money, within a cut-off plan that also played a role in the farewell of the coach of the 19th championship. Indeed, a goodbye rather than a farewell because there are those who are convinced that the Salento coach will sooner or later return to the Nerazzurri bench. To follow and interact LIVE on the latest from Calciomercato SUBSCRIBE to the YouTube channel

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Antonio Conte
Conte © Getty Images

Transfer market, Labate: “Conte will return to Inter”

To say it is the journalist of the Corriere della Sera Tommaso Labate on Twitter. His consideration comes after Conte’s interview with Gazzetta dello Sport. Labate writes: “The beautiful interview with Conte di By Caro in the Gazette it’s like Bobby Solo’s tears. Reading it, I understood many things. I do not know when. But sooner or later we will have a Conte bis at Inter ”.

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