Tokyo Olympics: Six Gabonese officially qualified

They are Sarah-Myriam Mazouz (judo), Anthony Obame (taekwondo), Guy Maganga Gorra (athletics), Pierrick-Linda Moulin (athletics), Adam Mpali (swimming) and Aya Mpali (swimming)

THE The final list of Gabonese athletes qualified for the Olympic Games which will take place from July 30 to August 8, 2021 in Tokyo, Japan is now known. They are Sarah-Myriam Mazouz (judo), Anthony Obame (taekwondo), Guy Maganga Gorra (athletics), Pierrick-Linda Moulin (athletics), Adam Mpali (swimming) and Aya Mpali (swimming). These six compatriots recently received their confirmation letters to take part in the Tokyo Olympics.

On the other hand, Urgence-Maria Mouega Mouega (taekwondo), recent African champion in the – 73 kg category and Franck Mombey (boxing), who hoped to be drafted by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), ultimately did not. summer. So they won’t go to Tokyo.

It is now up to the authorities, in particular the Gabonese Olympic Committee and the Ministry of Sports, to do everything possible to complete the preparation of our ambassadors in Tokyo.

In addition to the participation of these six athletes in the Olympics, Gabon will also be represented by referee Jean-Claude Djimbi (judo), the only African referee in Tokyo.


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