The offense is Yankees not improving

Like deconfinement, the awakening of the Yankees offensive requires a lot of patience. If there was no need to panic at the start of the season, it is now urgent to resolve the problem. With July upon us, the cannons of the Bronx must get out of the abyss quickly, or it will be too late.

Although DJs LeMahieu and Gary Sanchez are showing encouraging signs, it remains a fundamental problem in the New York offensive. Hits don’t come at the right time. Batters go out when there is a runner in scoring position. As of yesterday, their OPS in this situation was at .630, which is good for the second-to-bottom in all of baseball.

In low-scoring games, the Yankees have done well in the past few weeks. However, that is not the winning formula for beating the Red Sox. Against Boston, it takes more than five points per game. So far in 2021, the Bas Rouges have won all five duels between the eternal rivals.

An imminent transaction?

Yesterday Brian Cashman said he and his assistant Mike Fishman began to tour their counterparts to test the waters for a deal. There is nothing concrete yet, but that could change shortly.

The greatest need in the Bronx is to find a center fielder to make up for the loss of Aaron Hicks. One can also think that the Yanks would be looking for a starter, while the returns of Luis Severino and Corey Kluber are delayed.

Panic is not completely installed among the Yankees, but we are clearly looking for solutions. If Aaron Boone doesn’t make it with what he has on hand, now it’s Brian Cashman’s turn to stir the soup.


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