Tennis: Thiem talks about “delicate injury”


As part of the Spielberg Grand Prix, Dominic Thiem spoke publicly for the first time in an Ö3 interview on Sunday about his wrist injury, which he sustained at the lawn tournament in Mallorca. “That is of course a bit of a delicate injury. I have to make sure that I let it heal properly, ”said Thiem, who has to take a five-week forced break.

“If I take care of the splint for five weeks and really don’t do anything, then that should be done.” The injury is a very common one in tennis. “I’m far from the first to have this. If you pay attention, then there shouldn’t be anything afterwards, ”says Thiem.

Despite a messed up season so far, the 27-year-old did not want to speak of an “epidemic year”. “I can’t really agree with that. Of course, the results were really bad for me and a lot of things didn’t fit. But I’ve also been very lucky in recent years, had a lot of unbelievable matches and tournaments. ”No athlete comes through his career without injuries. “Luckily it took me a long time to get the first rough one anyway.”

Thoughts on the comeback

He has to be patient, but that is not so difficult for him. “Because I have the splint and the injury is well documented in tennis players, I was told exactly what I had to do. That made things easier. ”Doubts about the comeback do not torment him, even if some tournaments are canceled for him. “It won’t be easy to come back. My goal is simply to be in top shape after five weeks and then to be able to easily start tennis again. I can play tennis so well that I can come back. “

Basically, he is now covered with therapies, said Thiem. “I always have to fly to Barcelona, ​​just subordinate everything to regeneration.” In Barcelona, ​​doctor Angel Ruiz Cotorro, who also looks after Rafael Nadal, and his team observe the healing process. The 17-time tournament winner wants to do beautiful things for which he otherwise has no time. “Maybe next week he’ll be back in Formula 1 and do everything for the comeback.” He hopes that he will also have a “little time” with his girlfriend Lili Paul-Roncalli.


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