MLB between rivalry and emerging talents

The baseball season has reached a point where all teams have played 40 games, out of the 162 expected in the season. The threshold of 40 matches played is the first point from which to start, to start taking stock of the 2021 season. This year, MLB is seeing the emergence of unexpected rivalries and the affirmation of new talents.

MLB: What rivalry is emerging this season?

The Los Angeles Dodgers, undisputed rulers of the National League West since 2013 and winners of the 2020 World Series, are dealing with the reborn San Diego Padres. San Diego, with its young talent pool, is leading the division and could unseat the Dodgers from the throne of the National League West.

The situation in New York

The Yankees are struggling more than expected, mainly due to the many injuries of key players. Despite everything, the team is in full playoff fight and, following the recovery of the injured players, could return to peak competitiveness in October.

The situation is different at the Mets home. After the disappointments of recent years and after having failed the appointment with the post season for four seasons, the Queens franchise is leading the National League East. This year, the playoff goal appears to be unable to get out of hand to the Mets.

A new talent from Japan

After shining in the Nippon Professional Baseball League, Shohei Ohtani is proving to be a key element of the Los Angeles Angels. Upon his arrival in MLB in 2017, Ohtani created a lot of hype and this year he is thrilling the Angels fans with his plays. The player from Oshu is able to throw the ball at 100 miles then and has already scored 15 home runs. Given his skills, many are comparing him to the legend Babe Ruth.

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