Gading Marten Acquires Persikota, Alexandre Pato: Good Luck

TANGERANG, – Alexandre Pato heard the news of Gading Marten acquiring Persikota Tangerang. The former AC Milan striker congratulated him.

This was expressed in a video uploaded to Instagram @gadiiing. Pato wished Gading success with his new club.

“Hey brother. Whats up? Congratulations to your new team. Congratulations on your new challenge. I’m happy to hear that you are the owner of Persikota. Good luck to you and your team. I’m here to support you,” said Pato in the video.

Gading’s closeness, who is a true Milanisti and Pato, has been public since April. The father of Gempita showed off the contents of a direct massage with the striker on Instagram.

Editor : Reynaldi Hermawan



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