Farigliano Basketball in history: the Under 13s are regional champions

Pf Under 13

Sunday 20 June, which is a historic date. Because what seemed to be an unattainable goal for a small Cuneo company, in front of the great Piedmontese battleships, becomes reality. For the first time, Farigliano Basketball graduates one of its Fip regional champion teams. The super group of the Under 13 2007-08-09, also winning in the Under 14 Csi the day before, took home the cup, in an absolutely anomalous season with almost 40 training sessions that took place behind a monitor in their room.

«A great season – comments the president Gianluca Sappa -, despite the forced stops and injuries, we managed to involve and keep alive the interest of many young fans. Playing three finals (Fip Under 13 and in CSI with Under 12 and Under 14) and returning to live these emotions was very important for the boys and for their basketball growth. The staff and coaches did a really great job. Thanks go to the parents who believed in our project, to the sponsors who, despite the difficult period have continued to support us, and to the municipal administration that supports our initiatives by giving us the opportunity to continue growing ».

The match (Under 13 Fip)

Pf-Bertram Tortona 64-33
(21-4, 37-17, 51-27)

In a full building (in compliance with Covid restrictions), with the great cheering of the Fariglianese family there is also a pinch of tension in the boys who were in their first important Fip final. But from the two-ball onwards the show of the Sappa-Alberione band begins: great defense, super attack and counterattack: at 10 ‘the Pf is already ahead 21-4. In the second quarter the guests score three consecutive baskets, but after the “timeout” the “red cats” come back on the pitch and, despite some mistakes on easy conclusions, they go to the interval at 37-17. Upon returning, thanks to the fouls, Tortona loses the best players, and the Pf extends by another 7 points, at 30 ‘: 51-27. In the last quarter the intensity does not decrease. Thus we arrive at 40 ‘on 64/33, which graduates for the first time in its history a FIP regional champion Pf team.

PF. Zavattero Bottero, Alberione, Schellino, Fresia Dotta, Zoppi, Prandi, Devalle, Nastasi, Manera, Mariani, Pecchenino, Roagna. Herdsman Sappa, Alberione.

On the issue on newsstands all the results and the chronicle of the other matches


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