Basketball, Marcello Casadei returns to the Aviators bench

Editorial board
June 26, 2021 7:03 pm

It had been in the air for a few days and now, a year later, the official return of Marcello Casadei on the Lughese bench for next season also arrives. “I do not hide the fact that the thought of returning to basketball came back to me a few weeks ago after the parenthesis of a year to devote more time to family and work – the first words of the coach -. In this period, however, I have spent a lot of time watching matches and following the various leagues, always staying up to date and informed “.

“The call from Lugo made me very happy as the possibility of being able to return with the Aviators, also a sign of the esteem of the environment and of its President Giovannini in the first place. I gladly accepted this new opportunity as I know the company where you work well. a lot and you work peacefully, without crickets in your head and where everyone brings their dose of enthusiasm with a great desire to do well – affirms Casadei -. As far as prospects are concerned, the category where we will position does not count but it will be important to find a group of a close-knit work made up of Aki Zarifi, Gabriele Verdi, Maurizio Pelliconi and Riccardo Pini with whom I am sure to return to work in full harmony “.

“We will set up a training with elements of experience, which are also a reference point on a human level, together with local young people and others who will arrive who will have to earn time on the field. It will be a great stimulus to work with very young children and a sure reason of great satisfaction to be able to see them improve, this in fact a further motivation that brought me back to Lugo “, he adds. Casadei then concludes with a strong hope: “In the next season we hope to be able to see many fans following the team to repopulate the Lugo building with enthusiasm after this very long interlude”.



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