The National Team is one victory away from the Tokyo Games

The women’s 3×3 team fell in the semifinals against the United States (21-13) and the last ticket for the Tokyo Olympics will be played against Japan: if they do not win, they will be left out. The Japanese lost in the other semifinal against France by the minimum, 14-15. The game against Japan will be at 8:25 p.m.

This is the second defeat for Spain in the Pre-Olympic in Graz (Austria): the first was in the group stage against Switzerland. Despite this setback, Vega Gimeno, Aitana Cuevas, Marta Canella and Sandra Ygueravide are showing their quality and the victory against Australia, the second team in the FIBA ​​ranking, attests to this in the quarterfinals.

With three spots up for grabs, Spain has two chances to get one.


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