Sheffield Football can make pre-season friendly with Ibis: understand

Known as the worst team in the world, after almost four years without winning a single match, Íbis Sport Club, from Recife, can play a friendly in the preseason of the Sheffield Football Club, which is the oldest football club on the planet . This is due to a campaign on social networks.

It started like this: Sheffield launched a poll on Twitter to find the opinion of the fans about who the English club should play a friendly: Borussia Dortmund, from Germany, VFL Bochum, from the same country, Spartak Moscow, from Russia, or the friendly Ibis . Look:

As you can see, the Brazilian won almost unanimously, with 93.1% of the votes. Now, it remains to be seen whether Sheffield will really invite the Northeastern team to a match in the Old Continent. If it depends on Íbis, the players are already packed:

Founded in 1857, meaning no less than 163 years of history, the British are in the Northern Premier League Division One East. Íbis disputes the A2 Serie of the Pernambucano Championship.

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