Rennes: Génésio aims higher for 2021-2022

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Victorious against Nîmes (2-0) this Sunday, during the 38th day of Ligue 1, Rennes took advantage of Lens’s draw against Monaco (0-0) to take 6th place at Lensois and qualify for the Europa League Conference . Rennes coach Bruno Génésio said he was satisfied with this final ranking and is aiming higher for next season.

“We are satisfied, the 6th place was one of the objectives to be achieved. We are happy with what we have done. (…) The club moved to the top of the table, in the big French clubs. When we have sporting regularity, it means that good things are in place. We have to think about next season, with higher objectives. Yes, this qualification is important to keep players, to recruit for positions where we have Needs. The transfer window? The shareholder will allow us, perhaps, to do things that other clubs cannot, “said the Breton coach at a press conference.

What to give good hopes to the supporters of the Red and Black.

Read 707 times – by Romain Rigaux on 05/24/2021 at 01:42 am


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