In Trieste an environmental treasure hunt: looking for plastic to clean the field

TRIESTE – It is called “hunt for plastic“And it will be a sort of treasure hunt, to raise awareness the participants on the need to protect the environment, avoiding littering in the green. The initiative, to be held in Trieste on 19 June, was presented today by the Regional Councilor for the Defense of the Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development Fabio Scoccimarro. The race, which will also offer some prizes, it will be open to families and will be organized by the Trieste Gymnastics Society. Exceptional testimonial today, at the illustration of the event, the Olympic judo champion Veronica Toniolo. “Once again a ‘initiative aimed at young people– underlines Scoccimarro – why they will be the ambassadors of this cultural revolution, we work on the kids of today, the witnesses of tomorrow “.

The hunt for plastic will take place in an athletics field of the city, outdoors, “where everyone – explains the president of the Company, Massimo Varrecchia – will have to collect plastic in the surrounding woodlands. The area does not present any critical issues on the waste front, but it will still be a useful game to send an important message ”. And also the young champion Toniolo issued a direct warning to his peers “sport teaches us respect for the opponent and for others, but it is also important, wherever we practice, to respect the place where we are and therefore this initiative – he concludes – is significant, because it takes place in a field where many athletes train every day “.

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