Greens payments to candidate for chancellor: How Baerbock defends her failure with two new mistakes – politics

How members of the Bundestag present their biographies on the official website of the parliament is clearly subject to individual characteristics. The MP and Minister A. is about as much a “lawyer” as MP A .; with the essential difference that one is qualified to be a judge and the other, who lacks one of the two required state exams, is not.

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The fact that the MP and Green candidate for Chancellor Annalena Baerbock appears on this forum as an “international lawyer” without being a “lawyer” at all can be forgotten; Her fellow party leader Robert Habeck could, if it works in the autumn with his mandate ambition, call himself a “philosopher” with far greater justification. One is excited.

[Lesen Sie hier den Tagesspiegel-Plus-Artikel: Das Netzwerk hinter Annalena Baerbock :Von der Aufpasserin bis zum Strippenzieher – das ist die grüne Machtmaschine (T+)]

It is different on the website with the reporting of additional income. That is strictly regulated. It is understandable that Baerbock’s failure to register these with the Bundestag administration “annoys them like a beast”. What seems more worthy of criticism, however, is how she has now defended this in talk shows and interviews: it was “not on the screen” that she had to declare payments from her own party; after all, there was “no income from third parties”, as with other MEPs. Add: Which can then quickly come under suspicion of lobbying, see mask deals of the Union MdB, while I, Annalena Baerbock, only sit for my party and nobody else in the Bundestag.

This is where constitutional law gets in the way of the international lawyer. Article 38 of the Basic Law states that MPs are “representatives of the whole people”, but not representatives of a party. Accordingly, the special payments for her party service as chairwoman are definitely “third party income”. And that’s exactly why they are notifiable as ancillary income in addition to the mandate. The politician confused the people with the party. It doesn’t look like she’s “beastly annoyed”.

[Lesen Sie hier den Tagesspiegel-Plus-Artikel: Nacktbilder, Beleidigungen und Fakes: Der Hass im Netz gegen Baerbock eskaliert (T+)]

It is also unfortunate with another sentence from the talk show when the candidate is accused of not admitting her mistake on her own, but first had to come to “Bild” with it. “I reported that myself and made it transparent myself,” said Baerbock verbatim. But that’s not true, and she described it herself before: The Bundestag administration updates the information on additional income on the website. Ms. Baerbock did not “make anything public” herself. On the contrary. Despite the Twitter account, the MdB office and the Greens press office, she has not communicated anything of her own volition. The bad impression remains that she hoped no one would notice. When asked, Baerbock did not want to comment.

Not so great for the candidate. Merkel, who is still Chancellor and has a degree in physics, is sometimes called the “physicist of power”. Baerbock would then be the “international lawyer of power”. A “philosopher of power” comes next.


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