Deconfinement: Several dates to remember for sports

The first adjustments affecting the sport will come on May 31, but only in the orange zone. At that time, the training rooms will be able to reopen. On June 11, for both the red and orange alert levels, contactless disciplines will be authorized in groups of 25. This would therefore allow the Puribec Baseball League to launch its activities while being able to accommodate up to 250 spectators. .

“We will be able to modify the schedule which was to start the season on June 5 to start on the 12th. If all goes well, it’s a schedule of 20 games as was already agreed,” explained the president of the Puribec League. , Denis Bérubé. The Grand Falls Cataractes are also still in the plans for the current season.

“If it ever works and the Cataractes can enter the borders of Quebec, they will join the schedule during the season. We will go there on a pro rata basis for the playoffs, ”added Mr. Bérubé.

Passing into the yellow zone on June 14, outdoor sports with short contact will be allowed for groups of 25. Good news for the return of dekhockey and soccer games, among other things, but it will be necessary to be patient at the KRTB.

“I think it will be more realistic to think of playing games against other teams towards the end of June. In mid-June, maybe we will be allowed to make oppositions inside training. Tournaments, I used to be pessimistic looking at festivals. Now with the recent announcements, maybe there will be tournaments. We will stay tuned, ”said Mathieu Mahy, director of soccer operations at the Mondial de Rivière-du-Loup soccer club.

Also at the World Cup, the announced relaxations would allow, among other things, to accept all the players who were on the waiting list.

Once again, the owners of bowling alleys have been forgotten. Even in the orange zone, they will have to remain closed. Before the holiday season, leagues could operate at this color tier.

“Currently, I will have the right to welcome spectators next week, but I do not have the right to play my leagues. We are really caught between the bark and the tree right now. It’s sad to see that we never get a response from the government, despite working excessively hard, ”explained the co-owner of the Témis 2.0 bowling alley, Nathan Ruest Lajoie.

From June 28 in the green zone, indoor sports with 25 members with brief contact will be back, while outside, 50 people will be able to participate in the same sporting activity.


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