Mario Draghi and his ‘party’ in sport: a Roma and basketball fan

The man chosen by President Mattarella to form the new government played basketball at school and has a Giallorossi heart, a great admirer of Francesco Totti. Combined with Pirlo by the New York Times and “Super Mario” Balotelli after two goals against Germany in 2012, when Draghi was at the top of the ECB


The young man Mario Draghi he was enchanted by the class of Bill Bradley, star of the New York Knicks and Olympic basketball gold in 1964 with the States at the Tokyo Games, as well as European champion a couple of years later with the Simmenthal Milano. “He had a good shot”, remember the man chosen by the Head of State to form the new executive the old comrades of the Lyceum (among others the former number one of Ferrari, Luca Cordero di Montezemolo). Not for nothing, in 2009, the then Governor of the Bank of Italy – who today mainly delights in golf – was also awarded the basketball prize “La Retìna d’Oro”, awarded to the economist “for his recognized passion for basketball which makes him an important ambassador of this sport, also by virtue of his competitive background”. Draghi – like all NBA fans of the time – was mesmerized by Bradley’s vision of an out-of-the-ordinary game, a sort of “Pirlo” of parquet. Not surprisingly, in 2012, Roger Cohen – “columnist” of the New York Times in love with soccer – approached the champion from Brescia (fresh from the victory against Germany and from the great European of the boys of Cesare Prandelli) to the president of the ECB in office, defined as “a master of verticalization, a playmaker who hits the intransigent bankers of the Bundesbank with exceptional precision”. It was the Italy of Pirlo, Buffon, Cassano and above all of Balotelli, the other Super Mario …

Super Mario power

There were actually three: Draghi, in fact, who a month later those Europeans will deliver the famous speech with his trademark Whatever it takes (“whatever it costs”) in reference to the actions that the ECB would have taken to defend the euro from the economic crisis; L’Manchester City striker, fresh champion of England and in a state of grace, absolute protagonist in Warsaw with a brace to Neuer who projects the blues in finale; and the premier of that Italian (technical) government, Monti, who in the aftermath of yet another slap in the face of the Teutonics of our national team – six years after Dortmund world challenge, still confirming himself as their black beast – he indulged in one of his famous puns: “If there is an article that is not lacking in the Italian trade Super Mario. We could issue a joint statement with Professor Draghi, the content of which could be: we are here too “.

Draghi, Monti and Balotelli

The “Super Mario” trio in the summer of 2012: Draghi, Monti and Balotelli – © Ansa

Totti and Roma in the heart of Draghi

Milanista, Monti. Like Enrico Letta and Silvio Berlusconi. The resigned prime minister, on the other hand, is Romanist Giuseppe Conte, which he would leave in good hands – in the capital they would say he is in one botte de ‘fero, in the safe – the Giallorossi “crown” to his successor candidate at Palazzo Chigi, a wolf cub from the first hour Giulio Andreotti and Massimo D’Alema). Already, from the years of Jesuit formation at the Massimiliano Massimo Institute – those of the Capitoline heroes Giacomo Losi e “Piedone” Manfredini – to the magic of Falcao and Giuseppe Giannini, up to the “kingdom” of Francesco Totti, Draghi’s favorite, by his own admission. A background revealed by the Spanish newspaper The country who in December 2016 reported the “making of” of the informal chat that happened in a pause in the interview with the Iberian newspaper on financial issues, in which the Roman academician enjoyed exchanging a few words about his football faith (and not only) with the journalist Xavier Vidal-Folch, a Catalan from Barcelona. “Messi? What a champion. What if I had to choose between the Captain or the Prince? Ah, Giannini, what a player. But Totti is the best of his generation. A unique talent. A football philosopher! Perhaps the greatest in the history of Rome. “Word of Super Mario Draghi.

Giuseppe Giannini and Francesco Totti

Giuseppe Giannini and Francesco Totti

A very young Francesco Totti and his idol: the “Prince” Giuseppe Giannini – © Ansa



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