Gournay-en-Bray: an intact motivation for ASG Badminton | The Scout

In this period of health crisis, the badminton president of Gournay-en-Bray remains confident. (© L’Eclaireur: La Dépêche)

In these times of Covid-19, many sports facilities have been closed for several months. The activities of sports associations are at a standstill and no longer count the postponements. In this context, we met Philippe Chavatte, president ofbadminton association of Gournay-en-Bray.

L’Eclaireur-La Dépêche: from a sporting point of view what were the consequences?

Philippe Chavatte : The regional interclub competition could not be completed. Indeed, the competitions starting in September and ending in May, we played until the end of February 2020. The Federation has decided not to take into account the results for the 2019/2020 season.

National tournaments suffered the same constraints. The club’s activities were able to resume for a short period until the end of September 2020. But since then, following various government and Federation instructions, the club has ceased all training and all competitions.

What are the consequences for the life of the club?

We noted a drop in the number of licensees in September, no doubt due to health concerns but also to the possibility of practicing or not depending on the authorizations to open gymnasiums. To date, members who have paid their membership fees have not played for more than 4 months.

The board will meet to reflect on the financial effort that the club can offer. Even if the room for maneuver remains low since the part donated to the Federation remains high in view of the rates we charge. For example, the adult leisure contribution is € 80 for the year and the club pays the federation € 52.

What projections do you have for the year 2021?

Sportingly speaking, we are worried about the resumption of competitions and more generally of training, knowing that the season ends at the beginning of July.

Fortunately, the club does not have a salary to pay. And because of the cessation of activities, we have less steering wheel consumption. This helps keep the club financially stable.

Each year, the club organizes a national tournament in June and it is the flagship event. We hope by then that we can complete it, even if it remains premature. If unfortunately we had to cancel it this year again, it will be 2 years since the club will have organized its tournament, unifying event and showcase of the club but also the first financial source.

And how is the office organized?

Despite this context, motivation remains present in the club and more and more licensees have wanted to join the office. Indeed to date, there are 14 members of the new office constituted in general assembly on September 17, 2020.


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