€ 2.1M, Olympique de Marseille missed a nice transfer …

Indeed, already targeted by theIF last summer, Kenny Lala (29 years old) had finally stayed on the side of RC Strasbourg. At the end of the contract next June with the RCSA, the former right side of RC Lens left theAlsace and the League 1 during this Market winter to engage in favor ofOlympiacos Piraeus in Greece, where the former Marseillais evolves Mathieu Valbuena. Transfer amount: € 2.1M …

And in an interview with the channel Telefoot, Kenny Lala confirmed having been in contact withOlympic Marseille, and obviously, the former player of RC Strasbourg, gone toOlympiakos, had not closed the door to Marseille leaders :

“Why was this not done next June with OM? It’s true that my agent told me about it … Last June, there were discussions between my advisor and the Olympique de Marseille, and I told him then that it was a club that could interest me. I had a friend over there who told me the greatest good about this club. But it did not happen, it was is like that. You have to accept it. It’s football … “ told Kenny Lala.

Between recruiting the former right defender of RC Strasbourg, passed through the RC Lens, for € 2.1M… or see disembark Pol Lirola, who no longer played on the side of the Fiorentina, in the form of a loan with a purchase option set at € 11.5m : the question may arise!

L’IF, where evolves Dimitri Payet and Florian Thauvin, undoubtedly missed out on a great deal during this winter transfer market …



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