Villefranche-de-Lauragais. Young judokas return to the tatami

With this long enforced health truce, the associative fabric of Villefranch is struggling to maintain the link between its members. The Judo Club was nevertheless able to organize, just before the end of the year celebrations, the delivery of a small personalized gift to each of its licensees and the young judokas found their way back to the dojo on Monday at the Raymond-Castanet room. On the tatami, the workforce was limited because only minors could be reunited, and of course in compliance with a draconian federal protocol. Thus, after a restart started by 5-7 year olds on January 4, the youngest and least followed, very happy to receive their new colored belt. This ceremony came to reward the work done by these apprentice judokas during the last season and the short recovery recorded in September and October. Under their new colors, the young judokas were still able to let off steam on the tatami, despite the instructions to avoid any contact between them and instead favor the use of conventional exercises allowing individual practice and the distance of 2 meters between the judokas. (tendoku-renshu, fundamental motor skills and techniques).

As in a lot of disciplines, this particular situation had repercussions on the membership of the Villefranche-speaking club, which recorded a significant drop (approximately minus 25%). Despite this context, President Frédéric Paletou remains confident in asserting that if “the structure is solid and Judo Club Villefranchois will be able to overcome this difficult course”.


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