[Video] Juan Cruz Real began to fulfill the promise by becoming champion

After becoming champion for the first time in his sports career, the coach of Cali America, Juan Cruz Real, had made two promises in case he became champion of the Colombian Professional Soccer (FPC). One was to paint their hair red and the other, the ‘hardest’, consisted of walking from the stadium Pascual Guerrero until Buga.

In recent days, the Argentine strategist fulfilled by dyeing his hair red, which could be seen on social networks, so he only needed to fulfill the promise made to the Lord of Miracles to visit the basilica in the Valle del Cauca municipality.

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However, Royal Cross woke him up early in 2021 and therefore, it could be seen that the technician, in the company of another person, was walking Buga to fulfill what was promised. Remember that the journey from Pascual Guerrero Until Buga lasts approximately 14 hours (on foot), so they will have to make certain technical stops during the journey.

On the other hand, throughout the Betplay League you could see how Juan Cruz Real showed that he is a professed believer in the Catholic religion, so that visits to Buga became recurrent even in the ‘Playoffs‘, while America he was getting ready to face National Athletic, Junior and Independent Santa Fe to consecrate himself as two-time champion of the FPC.

See also: Promise kept: Juan Cruz Real and the madness he did after winning champion with America



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