Two new casualties in Central due to possible covid and emergency Vecchio travels

24 hours after the Rosario Central game against Lanús for the last date of the Complementation Phase, two new members of the campus had symptoms compatible with coronavirus and they were isolated: Rodrigo Villagra and Joel López Pissano they are affected. Anyway, Kily gonzález did not ask for the postponement of the game of this Saturday with Lanús, but he said that It is a possibility if it qualifies for the zone final. And put Emiliano Vecchio on the list of concentrates, almost as an emergency measure for casualties.

For this reason and for previous absences, the DT rogue plans to present a formation with more substitutes than starters given the number of complications it has between suspended, injured and infected with Covid-19.

“We have had several infections on the campus and that makes us rethink many things”, Expressed the auriazul coach.

And I add: “Assembling the team was very difficult for all these complications that are very important not only for this game but for what is coming”.

“Tomorrow we are going to play, then we will see how we continue”, Kily González said, alarmed by the amount of difficulties.

Then, asked about itthe possibility of requesting a postponement of the final of zone, Kily indicated: “It can happen, of course it does. We have five or six infections in a small campus

“In yesterday’s post-workout, the players Rodrigo Villagra and Joel Lopez Pissano presented a febrile syndrome, for which they were isolated and in the course of the day of the date they will be subjected to Test PCR Covid 19 “, announced the club through a statement.

In this last area, Joaquín Laso and Alan Marinelli; Fabian Rinaudo with suspension and Rodrigo Villagra, which had 4 yellows and was not going to be risky is now in doubt even for the possible final.

While there is nothing defined, some names appear as safe: Diego Novaretti and Facundo Almada in defense (the latter spare from his ailment); Damian Martinez, that improves a muscular discomfort; Diego Zabala and Francesco Lo Celso.

During today’s session there will be the swab result for both isolated footballers and the steps to follow will be determined.


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