Salerno. He kidnaps and hits an 18-year-old with a baseball bat to get his phone and money delivered. A 30-year-old is arrested

Today morning the agents of the State Police carried out the order for the application of the precautionary measure of custody in prison, issued by the Judge for Preliminary Investigations of the Court of Salerno in the context of the criminal proceedings against the 30-year-old Salerno offender, resident in the eastern part of the city. The precautionary custody order was issued by the Judicial Authority following the investigations carried out by the Flying Squad of the Salerno Police Headquarters, launched following what happened in June 2020. In particular, on the evening of June 5, the 30th year was made responsible of serious conduct against a young man of 18 from Salerno. The arrested man, with the help of an accomplice, had attacked the eighteen-year-old, loaded him into his SUV and, depriving him of personal freedom, had taken him to his home, carrying out a kidnapping for the purpose of extortion. The young man was repeatedly beaten with a baseball bat and forced to hand over his Apple IPhone mobile phone and, through his family, the sum of 1,400 euros under threat of a knife. The position of the Salerno offender also aggravated by having moved away from his home while he was subjected to the detention measure of house arrest and thus effectively escaping from the restrictive measure. At the end of the judicial police acts, as ordered by the GIP, the 30-year-old was associated with the Salerno Prison.


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