NFL – Chad Wheeler Arrested For Domestic Violence

Wednesday, Jan 27, 2021. 3:15 PM

Seattle Seahawks offensive lineman Chad Wheeler was arrested on charges of domestic violence last Saturday. There are allegations that he was involved in a physical fight with his wife.

Wheeler was released from King County Jail on Tuesday and was scheduled to appear in court on Wednesday.

He became a free agent at the end of the 2020-2021 campaign.

The Seahawks shared comments on Twitter early Wednesday.

“The Seahawks are saddened by the details emerging against Chad Wheeler and strongly condemn domestic violence. Our thoughts and support are with the victim. Chad is a free agent and is no longer a member of the team. “

“We encourage Chad to get the help he needs. If you are struggling with mental issues, please seek help. “

The team also provided information for victims of domestic violence in their news release as well as information for people with mental health problems.


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