NBA Donald Trump and his supporters received criticism from Kyle Lowry and Draymond Green

Donald Trump is not to the liking of most players in the NBA and the protests and tense moments that were lived in the Capitol of U.S after supporters of the current president entered by force, they touched fibers among the stars of the league.

To the well-known ‘war’ that they have hunted LeBron James and Stephen Curry contra Trump He was joined by two weight stars who would become Donald’s new enemies in the NBA at just days of having to leave the presidency of the United States.

“That man is a criminal. Like, he should be charged … He basically told them to go do this and people died. “ Held Kyle Lowry hours after the United States lived moments of anguish with the images of the riots in the Capitol.

Another NBA star who lashes out at Trump and one more was about to join. Draymond Green Nor is he in the current of the outgoing president of the United States and he had no problem in calling Donald’s sympathizers terrorists that entered the Capitol. Add another enemy for the first president.

Draymond Green’s message to Donald Trump

“It is shameful to keep calling them a protester. They are not (expletive) protesters. They are (expletive) terrorists. It is disconcerting with the reaction that the police and anyone else involved had from an authoritarian point of view to see the National Guard standing on those same steps when there was a peaceful protest and now to see a terrorist attack and there was no National Guard ”, Draymond sentenced Green.



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