Milan, Tonali also stops: Massara tightens for Meité | First page

The Milan has sent another signal to the championship: the team is convinced and wants to keep the record, Wednesday’s game against Juventus is already a distant memory. The Rossoneri have shown compactness since the eve with Ibrahimovic e Calhanoglu who have done their utmost to make themselves available to Pioli and companions. Against Torino came a clear victory, with two goals scored and none conceded. The only sore point of the evening is the umpteenth injury of this phase of the season: Sandro Tonali reported a blunt trauma to his left calf. His condition will be evaluated in the next few days, the midfield emergency for the Rossoneri is not subsiding.

AC MILAN STRONG FOR MEITE ‘ – LThe injury of Tonali will force Milan to accelerate for the new reinforcement in midfield. And the good name is that of Meité of Turin, a track told by in recent days and on which only confirmations arrive. Pupil of Moncada who has known him well since the days of Monaco, Meité makes everyone agree. Pioli himself confirmed the technical approval for the midfielder born in 1994 to the microphones of Sky in the post-match. Tomorrow new contacts between Massara and his colleague Vagnati are expected: the deal can go through on a costly loan with the right to redeem around 10 million euros.


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