Koeman: “We will fight until the last game to close the gap”

Ronald Koeman showed his satisfaction for Barça’s comfortable victory against Granada at Nuevo Los Cármenes, which maintains the good dynamics of the Catalans: «Always coming here is complicated. They have had a good season so far. They are a good team that plays and is quite physical. It was difficult for us to enter the game but at the time that we have put ourselves ahead we have been superior “, said the Dutchman.

He was cautious, although hopeful, with Barça’s chances of fighting for the League. «It is a party. We know that our situation is complicated. But in a week with three away games, nine points and with an improvement in our game, he gives everyone confidence, ”said the Barça coach.

He appreciated the forcefulness that his team showed in the Nasrid fiefdom. “When we get ahead of the scoreboard we are a difficult team to beat,” said Koeman, who stressed that “there is a lot of league left.” “It is a season, due to many circumstances, very complicated and we will fight until the last game to close the gap,” he stressed.

The comfort of Barça’s victory allowed Koeman to give Messi a break in the second half, author of a double against Granada. “With the very favorable result in the second half we have been able to change the players who have played many games to be fresher on Wednesday,” he said.



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