Julio Urías signs millionaire contract with Dodgers for 2021

Capital Sports / MLB / Por: Staff NotiGape

Posted: Jan 17, 2021 | 6:56 PM

Julio Urías, who closed the game of the final of the Dodgers last season and is worth the title of the Baseball World Series, has signed a millionaire contract with the Angelenos for the 2021 season.

The Sinaloa-born will earn a figure of $ 3.6 million for his one-year contract. Urías is 24 years old, and could improve the agreement with the Dodgers team or with some other franchise.

Julio is No. 12 in terms of the best contract with the Dodgers for the following season, and he is ranked 68th among the highest paid starters in Major League Baseball.

In the 2020 season, the Mexican agreement was for one million dollars, however, due to the mandatory adjustment derived from the Covid-19 pandemic, the amount was reflected in just 270,230 dollars.



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