From the Baraque de Fraiture to Dubai in 4 days: Maryna Zanevska takes part in the qualifiers for the Australian Open at the last minute

There will be eight Belgians and not seven who will try to reach Melbourne, Maryna Zanevska came into the picture at the last minute.

Qualifying for the Australian Open begins on Sunday and there will not be seven but eight Belgians who will try in Dubai for the girls (Minnen, Bonaventure, Benoit, Salden) and in Doha (Coppejans, Bemelmans, De Greef) for the boys snatch their ticket to Melbourne. Maryna Zanevska (WTA 252) having learned on Tuesday that she was entering the table.

“When the list of participants came out in December, I was 15th reservist, explained in all kindness this Friday the 27-year-old player. I told myself that I would go to Dubai if I joined the last ten reservists because the organization takes care of your accommodation and your food. I was taking a little risk, I just had to book the plane ticket. (…)


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