Controversy over a distinction to Margaret Court | The p…

Australian tennis legend Margaret Court declared herself “honored” by her promotion in the Order of Australia, although the distinction generated controversy because the former player had historically discriminatory views on homosexuality.

Court, 78, who became a Pentecostal in Perth, Australia, declared that tennis was “full of lesbians” and that transgender children were “the work of the devil.” The Australian even praised the apartheid system in South Africa. The rise of the former tennis player, who still holds the absolute record for Grand Slam titles with 24 trophies, to “Compañera” of the Order of Australia, on the occasion of the national holiday, sparked criticism from authorities such as the Prime Minister of the State from Victoria, Daniel Andrews.

“I don’t support this. I don’t think she has views that identify with the vast majority of people in our nation, particularly the LGBTIQ community. I love people, and I love gays and transgender people,” Andrews stated. .

Court stated that he will not return his Order of Australia medal. “I will not return it because I love to represent my country. I was not the one who looked for it, I did not know I was receiving it, I felt very honored when they told me that they gave it to me,” she explained in statements to the Australian radio station 3AW.

According to what was published by the AFP news agency, Court explained the reasons why she was honored. “I was appointed Officer of the Order of Australia for my involvement in the distribution of 75 tons of food in my neighborhood per week. Now it is because of tennis, I think it has been a long time to come and I am honored.”



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