We Love Tennis Mag> “This sport that drives you crazy”, the debriefing

We had planned to offer you this debriefing in issue 76 of Welovetennis Mag but the pandemic did not allow us to distribute the issue in our network largely made up of tennis clubs.

We have therefore decided to prepare this content for you in a series of texts and reactions from some of our specialists.

We start this Monday with an excerpt from the interview with Gilles Simon that we conducted before the release of his book. We had the tricolor player on the phone for 45 minutes.

Since then, Gilles has spoken everywhere. Suddenly, we will deliver to you what still seems relevant to us and which will complement what you have read from our colleagues.

In a second step, we will offer you reactions which do not always go in the direction of Gilles Simon’s theory concerning in particular a training logic around the style of the player Roger Federer.

Our speakers will therefore be Gilles Simon, Pierre Cherret, the national technical director, Jean-René Lisnard, the founder of the Elite Center in Cannes, Cyril Cornu, coach, teacher in Switzerland.

The debriefing will therefore animate this week which will be punctuated by our Awards, the price of which will close on December 18th.


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