Trail Blazers, first NBA team to close its facilities due to covid-19

In the picture, the player Damian Lillard, of the Portland Trail Blazers. EFE / Etienne Laurent / Archive

Portland (USA), Dec 6 (EFE) .- The Portland Trail Blazers closed their sports facilities this Sunday after knowing three positive tests for covid-19 in the last four days.
The president of the Blazers, Neil Olshey, in a statement distributed by the team, reported this Sunday that the decision to close the facilities was taken “out of great caution”, in addition to having completed the tracing of possible contacts.
In accordance with the health safety protocols the NBA has established with the start of training camps, the Trail Blazers will have to do a deep clean before they can reopen their work sports center.
Sunday was going to be the first full day of training camp for the Blazers and like the rest of the NBA teams they began to have players in their facilities since last week when the individual work sessions began.
The team did not say if the positive tests involved players, personnel or some combination of the two, but the Trail Blazers will begin preseason next Friday, in their field against the Sacramento Kings, and that is still scheduled for now.
The Blazers did not say how long their facilities will be closed. There was no immediate announcement about the team’s plan for Monday’s practice or if talks had taken place about postponing the game against the Kings.
“It’s something you have to deal with,” said the guard of the Miami Heat and vice president of the National Association of Basketball Players, Andre Iguodala, when he was informed about the situation of the Blazers.
Iguodala said that you have to be confident and hope for the best, but also be prepared for the worst and then see what happens.
The NBA issued a warning to all 30 league teams on Saturday that those who fail to abide by rules designed to minimize the spread of the coronavirus this season could face significant penalties, such as losing games or picks in the college draft.
NBA teams began coronavirus testing to prepare for camp on Nov. 24, and the league said 48 players – nearly 9% of all those tested – tested positive for covid-19.


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