the worst touch of the year for Krépin Diatta, really?

The image has been around social networks for 24 hours. 4e minute of the derby against La Gantoise (0-1) Sunday in the Belgian championship: the FC Bruges midfielder, Krépin Diatta, visibly completely confused, makes a touch … on the wrong side of the line, with both feet on the play area !

But has the Senegalese international really made a mistake, as the images suggest? According to RTBF, the answer is no and the media claim that it was in fact the team making the match that got trapped since the CAN 2019 finalist was not making a throw-in, unlike this that his gesture suggests, but quite simply passing the ball to his teammate Clinton Mata, in charge of taking the throw-in.

Problem: this clarification was given late and may go unnoticed. The Lion could therefore well despite himself be entitled to his place in the blooper sequences …


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