Sergio Hernández regretted telling his leaders …

The former coach of the Argentine basketball team, Sergio Hernández, wanted to avoid being involved in a controversy for a phrase he expressed to his Casademont Zaragoza players during a time out, which is why he asked to clarify that he regretted having said those words. During a minute when I was asking for more energy to play, the Argentine coach told his players that they looked like “babes”, a phrase Hernández regretted having used.

“It is important to be careful with the use of words”, remarked the Argentine coach, not to collaborate with those who make a problem with the division of gender, classes or races. For this reason, the Oveja stressed that the coaches or public persons have to be “very careful” with the words they use, in relation to what was heard during a time-out in the game that his team lost to Joventut de Badalona for the League of Spain.

“It’s not that I’m apologizing or making a world of this, it’s just not right. Obviously it has nothing to do with a gender issue or anything like that but it does, Maybe at 57 they are things that I have left and that have to be cleaned completely “, Hernández highlighted at the end of the press conference prior to Friday’s clash against MoraBanc Andorra.

In search of avoiding more controversy, the Argentine coach said he was treating “an expression for the moment” due to the tension of the game and commented that his head “does not think like that.” Hernández explained that he wanted to clarify this question because he did not want it to be thought that he was “the fool” with this issue and that it can be believed that he thinks that women cannot do the same as men.



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