Real Valladolid Basketball shows its character on the floor

The Sur-Aspasia RVB Clinic lifted 17 points of disadvantage against the Ibereólica Renovables Ourense and hit the table to dismiss 2020

(78) Ibereólica renewables Ourense: Mikel Úriz (9), Joan Tomàs (10), Adonys Henríquez (9), Kevin Van Wijk (6), Aaron Menzies (15) -the starting five-. They also played: Diogo Brito (5), Djordje Dimitrijevic (10), Manu Vázquez (-), Alejandro Mazaira (6), David Navarro (0), Arkeem Joseph (8), Massine Fall (-).

(88) Sur-Aspasia Clinic Real Valladolid Basketball: Reed Timmer (16), Jaan Puidet (14), Dani Astilleros (3), Sergio de la Fuente (11), Justin Kohajda (9) -the starting five-. They also played: Greg Gantt (6), Juan Sáez (-), Matej Kavas (0), Nacho Martín (8), Melwin Pantzar (7) and Antoine Mason (14).

Partial: 25-18, 19-24 (44-42 at halftime), 14-24 (58-66) and 20-22 (78-88 final).

Referees: Quintas Álvarez, Carpallo Miguélez and Carrerra Rosdevall. Without eliminated.

Incidents: Match corresponding to the tenth round of the LEB Oro League and played on Wednesday, December 23 at Pazo dos Deportes Paco Paz before 500 spectators.

Demonstration of character to add the sixth victory of the course. Clínica Sur-Aspasia RV Baloncesto raised a 17-point deficit (37-20) before the break and ended the comeback with a great second half on the Ibereólica Renovables Ourense court. Hugo López’s men recovered from a bad start and showed their credentials by getting up on a complicated field to return to the path of victory and say goodbye to 2020 in the best possible way.

With a new quintet and the signings Justin Kohajda and Jaan Puidet starting as starters, Clínica Sur-Aspasia, forced to reinvent themselves due to injuries, was overtaken by Ibereólica Renovables Ourense in the first minutes of play. The locals, scoring in each possession, took an important advantage (12-3), riddling the Castilians from long distance. Although the initial approach was working better for the Orenseans, the visitors also responded from the triple and were spurred on after a technical foul against Hugo López. Adding three at a time from Pantzar, Mason and Gantt, Real Valladolid cut part of the local income and closed the opening quarter with a slight disadvantage (25-18).

The Blanquivioleta reaction, yes, was stopped in its tracks after a new outpouring by the Galicians. Gonzalo García de Vitoria’s team, unleashed from long distance (6/10 in triples at halftime), hammered the Castilian rim over and over again and in a seen and unseen they won a maximum of 17 points (37 -20) after a 12-2 run. With the Sur-Aspasia Clinic knocked out, Hugo López was forced to request a time-out seven minutes before halftime and adjusted his pieces to start the comeback.

Said and done. Valladolid began to chain good defenses and could, at last, add points to the counterattack. The hallmarks of the Blanquivioleta were clear to sign a good basketball and begin to squander the disadvantage. Thanks to a great contribution from the second unit, with special mention for an especially successful Antoine Mason (10 points at halftime and top scorer), the Castilians rose with a 6-21 run after the maximum disadvantage that the first half gave off. (44-42). The Pucela, from less to more and after a meteoric reaction, came to rest with options after being 17 points down.

The positive inertia did not cool down in the changing rooms of Pazo Paco Paz. The Sur-Aspasia Clinic, owner of the paint (6-19 in rebounds during the first half), did not take long to turn the game around and enjoy their first advantages after four consecutive points by Justin Kohajda (47-48). With a good start, the pucelanos confirmed the comeback and passed the baton to an Ibereólica Renovables Ourense who would have to play in tow from then on. And this time the Blanquivioleta did not waste the rent.

Increasingly comfortable on the Orense parquet, the visitors continue to grow as the minutes pass and they returned to sign a great quarter (11-24) to face the last ten minutes leading the game (58-66). Those of Hugo López, coldly to perform in the important moments, would have to continue with their best version for ten more minutes to sentence.

Reverting the script of the first part, Real Valladolid had to play their tricks by sending on the scoreboard and playing with time and the opponent’s nerves, guidelines that worked perfectly to seal a significant victory. Gonzalo García de Vitoria’s team, brave to the end, could not decipher the Blanquivioleta defense and income continued to grow in favor of a Sur-Aspasia Clinic that came to win by 16 points (), although the final result was 78- 88 after a final arreón of the Galicians. Demonstration of character and comeback to finish 2020 with a triumph of great substance.



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