Real: Marcelo is boiled, the proof in numbers – football

Long considered the best player in the world in his post, Marcelo is no more than a shadow of himself. Despite his lost pounds, the Brazilian left side has become a handicap for the Spanish club.

Marcelo no longer advances with Real Madrid.

The image had toured social networks in January 2019. Too relaxed, Marcelo (32) had 6 kilos too much on the scale. Unsightly, the left side had been forced to lose the surplus to find a silhouette worthy of a very high level footballer. But obviously, that was not enough to allow it to reach its monstrous level of the period 2010-2018.

Real fragile with Marcelo

Indeed, the Brazilian is simply catastrophic since the return of Zinedine Zidane to Real Madrid in March 2019. It suffices to look at the performance of the Spanish club during this period to understand the disgrace of Marcelo. Of the 59 La Liga games played, the White House has lost 10 times. each time, the South American was titular. When it was not on the scoresheet, Real have won 22 games for 9 draws without ever losing.

Relentless figures that hurt even more when we look at his performance since the start of the current exercise. And for good reason, Marcelo has only played 6 games this season. Coincidence or coincidence, the 4 defeats of Real took place with the Auriverde on the lawn. When it was not used, the Casa Blanca won 5 times, with a convincing success against FC Barcelona (1-3) for 3 draws.

The great Marcelo is far behind

Boiled, cram, passed, use the qualifying adjective of your choice. Now overtaken by Ferland Mendy, who is building up week after week, Marcelo, who has become a deadweight in the left lane, where opponents of Real feast, does not even have the individual statistics to save him. In the 38 games under the Zidane II era, he compiled 2 goals for 8 decisive assists. By way of comparison, he had a record of 8 goals and 25 decisive assists over the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 seasons, a time when the Merengue were close to the skies.

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