Playing sports improves academic performance

There are many studies that confirm that doing sports improves the academic results of those who practice it. In other words, doing sports improves many capacities such as attention, learning or memory. The SADUS It is the perfect setting to practice sports as it has a swimming pool, hockey field, tennis and paddle courts, a multifunctional pavilion, among many other sports facilities.

A study of the Sevilla University determined that despite the benefits that sport leaves on the academic performance of students, the Hispalense students locate the main reason for practicing sport in “exercising to stay in shape” and not so much in the benefits generated in the academic field. Followed by this reason, there are others such as health, personal satisfaction or fun and social relationships.

Other national studies have determined that the most substantial part is located in the “positive effect” that it causes, above all, in learning tasks, since sport causes “an increase in a whole series of neurotransmitters and brain growth factors” that in addition to strengthening, stimulates all those connections that will facilitate the development of academic performance, fundamentally aspects such as memory and learning. And is that the fact that the Romans already said that of ‘A sound mind in a sound body’ It is not to go unnoticed, because the studies that have been developed in this regard have certified that they were very right.

The study carried out by Carolina Castañeda, researcher at the University of Seville, has gone one step further and has analyzed the relationship of students with physical activity and has distinguished between the data obtained differentiating between men and women. Thus, the results maintain that, while “they do it for health”, they practice it “for the social relations associated with sports practice.” A resounding distinction and point of interest that the study has revealed.

In short, most of the studies that have been developed on the subject conclude that beyond the innumerable health benefits that the practice of sport has, it helps to achieve better results from an academic and professional point of view. So the SADUS brings the key for sport to be linked to competition, leisure and health, offering a complex open from 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. to enjoy exercising from Monday to Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.



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