NBA: Stephen Curry was exposed on what he is like with his teammates

No doubt Stephen Curry is one of the best players in the NBA, one of those that encourages fans to turn on the television just to see him play exclusively, and it is no wonder, he is a star.

Therefore, the need arises to know what it is like on the part of those who do not have the fortune to share clothes with the figure of Golden State Warriors.

But don’t worry, your teammate has arrived to clarify this situation Eric Paschall to reveal how Curry treats his teammates, something that greatly influences your personality.

Stephen Curry exposed

“He’s like a normal guy, and I feel like that’s important because everyone sees him as a superstar, and he is obviously, but he’s a great guy. It’s good to come if you have any questions and he’s always attentive to his teammates.” confessed Paschall.

Both players have managed to understand each other in a short time, as we remember that Curry was injured the most of the 2019-2020 season as a result of a broken left hand., so they are expected to combine to create a perfect duo in the incoming campaign.



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