NBA star pays a year’s rent to family threatened with eviction

The magic of Christmas. The hub of the Heat Bam Adebayo has decided to pay a year’s rent to a mother and her four children about to be evicted from their home in Miami (Florida).

The 23-year-old visited Travillia Bogan’s home last Wednesday, the US bimonthly reported. Complex.

The mother of the family had been in a very complicated situation since losing her car two years ago after an accident. This situation prevented him in particular from finding work and providing for his household.

For Bam Adebayo, coming to the aid of this family is “the number 1 gift”. “Just helping someone like that, in this situation, and with all the negative things that have happened to them over the last few months, it’s definitely high on my list,” Inside magazine told the magazine.

“They are not evicted for Christmas”

In addition to the rent, the All-Star (2020) has pledged to pay for the home’s renovations and maintenance, improve the decor, and take care of the landscaping around the house. property.

Inside the Heat could feel Travillia’s relief “through her tears of joy”. “There was no conversation,” Bam said. It was pure joy for her and her family. They are not evicted for Christmas ”.

Bam Adebayo is not at his first attempt. He who had a complicated childhood in a caravan in North Carolina, notably launched his BBB foundation (BAM, Bokks and Brotherhood) and launched toy drives for children in Miami.

“With all of this philanthropy that I do, I hope I will inspire a child to change their decision making, their lifestyle or who they hang out with,” Bam concluded.

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