Lotito is ready, summit by Christmas

The time for postponements and reflections is over. Christmas is upon us, ldeadline for the renewal of Simone Inzaghi mashed potato. There is no more time to waste with an expiring contract in the summer of 2021 we must accelerate a negotiation that in reality has never really started. Passed the group stage of the Champions is also dropped the last step of reflection, now there is no longer any signal or goal to wait. President Lotito is ready, for his part, there is full will to renew the coach’s contract, even approaching the position of the coach in terms of financial and other demands compared to a few months ago. Without folly, it is clear, but the patron’s position has softened. Retouching of engagementso compared to the current two million and multi-year renewal or just one year if the technician does not want to commit for life, reports the press review of Radiosei. The negotiation starts now: the announcement of an imminent match already in the locker room immediately after Bruges, after having removed the pass for the knockout stages of the Champions League. Lotito no longer wants to wait, his decision has been made and it will be to continue on those who have bet a few years. Bet today won, indeed overwhelmed. The ball is now in Simone’s feet.

Published 10/12/2020


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