his wife is three months pregnant

Uruguayan football woke up this Sunday with a very hard blow. Soccer player Maximiliano Pereira, from Central Español, was found dead after he disappeared this Saturday in the waters of the Salto del Penitente, in the city of Minas.

His body from Pereira was found lifeless this Sunday by the Navy. According to a friend of the family told the site FútbolUy, the footballer “fell from some rocks and was washed away by the water.” The player’s wife is three months pregnant.

The Montevideo newspaper El País confirmed that Pereira was with his wife at the Salto del Penitente in Minas when he had an accident in a rocky area: he slipped and could not get out of the lake.

As it could be reconstructed, Firefighters tried to rescue him, but could not find him. Finally, after having been missing for several hours, the National Navy divers who finally found the body after 9 in the morning were asked for assistance.

Pereira, 27, played as a central defender and midfielder. He had made his professional debut in Cerro and later defended the colors of Miramar Misiones, Racing, Sport Boys of Bolivia, Deportivo Santín of Paraguay, Liverpool and Central Español, the team where he played last season in the Second Division of Uruguayan football.

At the beginning of 2020, Pereira played for Liverpool with whom he was crowned champion of the Uruguayan Super Cup. He had even had the pleasure of playing a few minutes in the definition against Nacional de Montevideo.

El Salto del Penitente is a tourist place that is located in the department of Lavalleja near its capital, the city of Minas. It is a 60-meter waterfall that flows into the lagoon of the same name. It is about 150 kilometers from Montevideo.

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