Blanco’s health and everything that happened in the locker room

The presence of the Academy in the Bombonera left unpleasantness from end to end, with the elimination in the Libertadores as the hardest blow. In addition to the sadness that was left in the locker room by a defeat without mitigating, lacking football and attitude, before the rematch for the quarterfinals of the Cup began, there were moments of tension. A protagonist of one of the situations was Víctor Blanco, president of Racing, who suffered a decompensation. It was after an incident that occurred between Adrián Fernández (president of amateur football) and Diego Milito (already a former club manager).

Before the players took to the court, the manager lowered the pressure. As a result, he had to be treated by the doctors of the campus. After watching the game from the stalls, together with his personal custodian, on Thursday morning they will carry out studies at the Mater Dei clinic for about four hours. Due to a stress situation, they recommended that he take a week off, as confirmed to Racing de Alma from the club. The boss, who spent Christmas at home, came from hectic days in the framework of the presidential elections that he won again for the third time in a row. “There were many tensions: sports, the elections, the Libertadores, their role in the AFA,” they told this portal from the leader’s environment.

The scandal in the Racing dressing room at the Milito-Fernández junction and Blanco’s health

Blanco lived a very unpleasant moment in the run-up to the classic, when a situation broke out that caused widespread nervousness. Although he was not one of the three directors authorized to do so (Blanco, Alfredo Chiodini, vice 1 ° and Christian Devia, general secretary were), Adrián Fernández, president of amateur football, entered the locker room. He even did it before Beccacece and Milito, after impersonating the prop custodian in order to get to the dressing room area. Upon seeing him inside, Diego Milito, with whom he has been at fierce antagonism for a long time, had a strong cross with him and sent security personnel to remove him from the place. And there it went off a very hot climate between arguments, shouts and players who interceded to try to appease the spirits. Those moments of convulsion surely influenced Blanco’s decompensation.

Among the reasons why Milito decided to leave the Academy, his fight with Fernández has been a key element.


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