this is the most spectacular hole-in-one ever

I am not the biggest fan of golf. I pay attention when La Cage imposes it on me, and I am a follower of superhero sportsman that is Tiger Woods – but nothing more.

But when I was shown this absolutely mind-boggling hole in one fell swoop, I can assure you that a lot of curses left the mouth of one completely stunned guy.

Imagine the wackiest move possible… and multiply by 100.

The streak begins with a hit directly on the water, and the ball ricochets three times before ending up on the other side of the water. The ball rolls, rolls and seems to end up a few feet from the hole … But the ball changes angle and goes straight down into the hole.

Look at that, this is insane.

Luck? Perhaps. But you also have to add talent to the mix, since it was very clearly premeditated. Jon Rahm knew what he was doing, planned his shot and turns out to be one of the best golfers in the world.

Everywhere on social networks, everyone is talking about this coup. A viral phenomenon, yes!

Because there is a difference between a hole in one shot that flies through terrain before rolling into the hole … And a shot that involves a body of water, ricochets and a long roll that changes direction in order to end up in the hole.

Golf rarely makes headlines in Quebec… But today, it is justified!


It must be said that the coup did not achieve in full Masters, but in training. During a tournament, he might not have tried his luck … But the show is appreciated in a context where there is less pressure.

It was his second hole-in-one in two days, though.


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