Rugby: He arrived as a stranger and today he is one of the favorites of English fans

“They were difficult times in Argentina while I was waiting for my visa and with all this Covid-19 situation, which delayed everything. But luckily it’s over and here we are, happier than ever to be back! ”Says Facundo Gigena from the other side of the world. The Cordovan’s work visa in England expired and he had to return to the country in the middle of the season with his team, in February of this year. Like everyone else (literally), the pandemic complicated his plans and the return took longer than expected. Finally, six months later he returned to Leicester, and today that bad drink is already a thing of the past.

“The truth is that today I feel very well, enjoying Leicester and very happy to be back with my teammates, sharing training and games with them,” says the 26-year-old.

The possibility that you have today to enjoy this present is the result of a silent work, in which you put a lot of effort and care. With more than 40 appearances in the Leicester shirt, the ex-Tala has earned the respect of his teammates, but also the love of English fans. So much so that Geordan Murphy, Rugby director at the club where the 26-year-old mainstay plays, said some time ago that “Facu” grew as a player based on work and a simple style, and has become one of the favorites. of the team.

“It really touched me a lot. It makes me very happy to see how much the work one does for the team is valued; that means that you have to follow the same path ”, describes Gigena.

And he adds: “I hope to continue giving the team my best to be part of this club for much longer. I think my growth, at least personal, was very great. They were two years and a little more full of teachings, both on and off the field ”.

Getting over bitter moments is also part of learning and growing. Not being part of Mario Ledesma’s call for the Rugby Championship (due to the loss of South Africa, today Three Nations) after having been in the initial list of 59 players will not make him falter. “It is always a bit disappointing not to be on a list, especially for Los Pumas. He also knew that it was something quite difficult with so many high-level players in Argentina. I take it as a challenge to keep working and grow even more as a player. At the same time it is an opportunity to start the preseason with the club and find myself a place in the team ”, confesses the front row, who was always very grateful to the English entity and will be able to continue contributing from his role.

He knows that since he arrived in England the club provided him with all the tools he needed to improve; and he knew how to take advantage of it. “None of this was simple, I really had a hard time adapting to the English language and the game. They were long months of not seeing results. Today, with more time in Leicester, I was able to see everything that happened and it makes me very happy, ”he says.

And admit that as a club player amateur He never loses his passion and love for the shirt: “They are things that are instilled in you since you were a child. The values ​​that the clubs transmit to the boys is something very special, and in my case they always help me to give a little more, reminding me every day where I come from and all that it cost ”.

With his feet on the ground and his heart set on Argentina, Facundo is part of a group of compatriots who enjoy the tranquility of life in Leicester. But, of course, the feeling for Córdoba is always very present. “You miss almost everything from Córdoba, your family, friends, the club, the weather… but every decision has its price. The good thing is that once a year we go there to catch up with those we miss the most ”, closes the Cordovan who arrived in England as a stranger and became one of the favorites of teammates and Leicester Tigers fans.



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