Maradona jr: “False allegations about dad, I’ll tell you the whole truth! Difficult period”

Diego Armando Maradona Junior spoke to Radio CRC microphones and clarified the recent rumors about the Pibe de Oro.

Diego Armando Maradona Junior, son of Diego Armando Maradona and host of the program ‘Il Sogno nel cuore’, to the microphones of CRC Radio he expressed some considerations on the situation lived by his father, with the aim of clarifying some rumors circulated in the last hours: “Dad in the hospital? He’s been hospitalizedyou, in concert with his doctors in Buenos Aires, opted for hospitalization for tests. Covid or its relapse into past vices has absolutely nothing to do with it, I mean it in a very strong and overbearing way. There is no joking about these things. As a family, we have suffered from some situations for many years, but Dad came out great. Today, my father presents a fairly delicate emotional picture, in the sense that, as everyone knows, he goes through moments in which he is very well and faces life in a very positive way, but then falls into periods of strong sadness. Unfortunately, this is a bit of a period and it was decided to give him a hand from this point of view “.

Diego junior then added: Dad is a healthy man, who is fine and has no physical problems whatsoever. I therefore categorically deny all the allegations circulated in the last hours. He is plagued by a ‘no time’ in his personal life. From a human point of view, it is a difficult time for him. An emotional breakdown? No, I wouldn’t call it that. We all human beings go through more or less peaceful moments. There is no specific reason. He’s made some pretty big mistakes in the past, and although everyone involved has forgiven him, he’s still working on certain things. It is not a scoop, but I can tell you that his greatest desire is to keep his children together, because he has suffered a lot from situations created, over the years, between us brothers. A step forward has been made, today all of us brothers are united in trying to make dad feel good. We’ve had some issues in the past, but now we’re trying to be closer than ever for Dad’s sake. Never like this time, I repeat, we are one and we are next to dad in this moment in ‘difficult’ quotes. Relationships with my sisters are increasing, we talked about various personal situations and it will surely please Dad. We have promised that, as soon as possible, we will all be together “.


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