DFB surprise! Will Löw save his national coaching job with this plan?

Crisis meeting on December 4th

What’s next for Joachim Löw at the DFB? The national coach is heavily criticized – in a crucial case there is now a rethink.

  • Thomas Müller, Jerome Boateng and Mats Hummels are currently out of service.
  • After the 2018 World Cup, the trio was sorted out by national coach Jogi Löw.
  • Now the chances of a comeback are apparently increasing.

Freiburg – It’s only been ten days since the German national soccer team was outclassed 6-0 in a historic game of Spain. The DFB-Team seemed completely demoralized after the first goal. Fighting spirit? Nothing. In this situation, one would have loved to have had a leader on the field. Especially on the defensive.

DFB team: The leading players were missing against Spain

Philipp Max, Matthias Ginter or Robin Koch however, aren’t really known as speakers, either Niklas Süle could conduct more. The quartet formed the back four against the Iberians – and had a pitch-black day. Coordination problems and hanging heads instead of fighting spirit and willingness to run. Should have Jerome Boateng and Mats Hummels acts the same way?

DFB team: surprising Löw end – return campaign is now conceivable?

Immediately after the game, voices were again raised to bring back the demoted world champions from 2014. The same has been true for months Thomas Müller, who currently seems in the shape of his life, by national coach Jogi Löw but is still consistently ignored. Or rather ignored?

Apparently supposed to Löw are meanwhile open to a return campaign by the trio. A comeback of at least one of the three appears according to information from the SportBild no longer excluded. Especially Müller and Hummels but also the regained one Boateng would be an asset – and not just on the pitch.

DFB team: Müller, Boateng and Hummels – degraded world champions trio convinced

In terms of their character alone, they would be an asset DFB-Team. On top of that, they convince week after week in the Bundesliga. Müller has already collected nine scorer points in the previous eight games (four goals, five assists), Hummels proves to be rock solid in the BVB defensive and plays a major role in the fact that Dortmund conceded the second fewest goals in the league. And Jerome too Boateng, which many have already written off, is regularly in the starting line-up of the FC Bayern (in seven out of eight games).

So it is actually only a matter of time before the Rio world champions get another chance. Only the national coach himself knows whether and if so, when this will be the case. At the moment, however, he probably has completely different worries, because the 60-year-old is worried about his job. There are already rumors about his successor. The most exciting option could be a Bundesliga coach, which hardly anyone has on their list at the moment. (as)

Rubriklistenbild: © Christian Charisins / dpa


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