Vaclík about a new role in Seville: I’m calm now, the season is long

Vlastimil Vacek, Right

In recent years, Vaclík has not been used to spending more matches on the bench than in the goal. “When I came to Sparta in 2012, I was on the bench behind Švengy (Milan Švenger) for a while and then I caught everywhere regularly. So for the first time since then I didn’t start the season at the gate. On the other hand, I didn’t lose it due to performance, but due to an injury, “Vaclík said in an interview with ČTK.

“Bono (Bunú) took the chance very well, he was ready. With him in the gate, the European League won and the coaches decided for him from the beginning of the season. It was not entirely said that we are number one and number two, but now the cards are dealt. I have to be patient, work well and when the chance comes – as now on Saturday – to be ready and show the coaches that I have quality and I deserve to catch it as well, “added the Ostrava native.

Wild El Clásico was won by Real, there was also a video in action. Vaclík did not prevent the defeat of Seville

He still has no idea how often and in what competitions he will compete for Seville. “For us, the season started two laps later, we also had specific training and trained together for only 14 days. One has to do with the other. We’ll see how the coaches think, whether the goalkeepers will change us or not. I don’t know at all about me. The head coach Julen Lopetegui just told me that I should be prepared that the season is long, “said Vaclík, who has been working in the Andalusian team since the summer of 2018.

I feel good about the performance, says Valcík

He was sorry for the defeat with Eibar at the premiere start of the year. “We didn’t play well in the first half, it was so lukewarm. We created a lot of chances in the second half, but unfortunately we didn’t change them. It was one of those days that even if we played 45 minutes extra, we probably wouldn’t score a goal. But from our own I had a good feeling of performance, “said former Basel goalkeeper.

Tomáš Vaclík with a trophy for the winner of the European League.

FC Sevilla

So far, he does not admit that his position as the number one goalkeeper in the national team could be endangered due to his low occupancy. “I don’t actually catch only one month in the club, five matches in the league and one in the Champions League have been played, which is not such a long time and in the meantime I managed to catch all matches in the League of Nations. If it took like this for a long time, it could be a complication, “said Vaclík.

Baník also recommended me to Tomáš Vaclík, said Pepe Mena

He is not currently considering a change of engagement. “Not yet, but I’m in contact with my manager David Nehoda and we’re working on it all the time. I only have a contract in Seville until the summer, so I’m curious how it’s going to turn out. I have no clues from the club anyway. In this I have a bit of a wait for the question, “admitted the thirty-two-time representative.



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