Thomas Hitzlsperger on his Federal Cross of Merit

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and awardee Thomas Hitzlsperger at the award of the Federal Cross of Merit.
Image: Reuters

In an interview, Thomas Hitzlsperger talks about positive developments in professional football and his joy about the Federal Cross of Merit, which he was awarded along with 14 other women and men.

Mr. Hitzlsperger, this Thursday you received the Federal Cross of Merit for your commitment against discrimination and for tolerance. Football question: how was it?

It was a very impressive morning. I didn’t know how it worked under corona conditions, but it was super organized, an attentive and targeted speech from the Federal President, live music, great award winners: a special day!

Does everyone get a speech? Or is there one for every 15 winners?

The Federal President spoke at the beginning, and then the winners were honored individually.

You have been campaigning against discrimination for years – you came out at the beginning of 2014. Why is this award coming now?



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